where to next?

i'm feeling...

. hello! welcome to 鬱ゲー (utsuge).
this is my passion project and personal blog where i hope to document what i make and my thoughts, it's also a love letter to the old internet. my name is mari, i'm eighteen, from brazil and i use any pronouns, generally opting for she/her out of convenience — it's nice to meet you! i love to experiment with different ways of expressing myself, especially through creating things. i'm still learning how to code — this site is being made through trial and error (fuck around and find out). this place is mainly for/about myself but i hope it can be enjoyable for others as well! please keep in mind that english isn't my native language (i also speak portuguese, hehe). use the lefthand column to navigate, hovering over the lables might be helpful! thank you once again for visiting my little corner of the web!

. 鬱ゲー is a plot-driven visual novel genre. i chose this name because i love vns and am really into the genre itself, especially when it has horror elements. as you can probably tell, i grew up with japanese pop culture and still greatly enjoy it currently! (*/ω\)

this is my button! feel free to link me if you wish ^^


24/12 - fucked around a bit, i'm working on my visual revamp and moved image host to catbox. wahoo
05/11 - first release! it's pretty basic but i figure it's decent enough given how little free time i have rn and my lazy disposition overall. i'll work on implementing more stuff as i feel the on and off bursts of energy to do so (´っω=`) i'll probably revamp this once i get the chance to, assume around a third of this page is a placeholder,,
playing: lamento -beyond the void-, persona 4 golden, pokémon white version, katamari damacy reroll, osu
watching: monogatari series, lucky star, azumanga daioh
reading: eu e outras poesias (augusto dos anjos)